Shoal Creek Exit Site Gets Traffic Light
Busy Intersection at the Shoal Creek Exit-Only Gate Approved for New Traffic Light
In May 2019, the Hoover City Council voted to participate in a project with Shelby County to add turn lanes and a traffic signal on Shelby County Highway 41 at its intersection with Hugh Daniel Drive. One of the four points of this new traffic signal is Shoal Creek’s resident-only, exit-only gate which is directly across from Hugh Daniel Drive.
An article in the Hoover Sun/280 Living by Jon Anderson, reports, “Traffic in that area has been growing as new subdivisions have come on line both in Hoover and unincorporated Shelby County, said Tim Westhoven, Hoover’s chief operations officer. The idea of that intersection being upgraded has been on the city’s radar for two or three years, Westhoven said.
People have been requesting a traffic signal, and Hoover officials have passed the request on to Shelby County because Shelby County 41 is the primary road there, he said.
Shelby County officials recently came back to Hoover and asked the city to analyze whether the intersection met national criteria to warrant a traffic signal. Hoover discovered that the intersection indeed met two of the indicators, Westhoven said.
The intersection now attracts almost 10,000 vehicles per day, he said. The turn lanes and traffic signal are expected to cost about $600,000, with Shelby County paying $360,000 (60%) and Hoover paying $240,000 (40%), Westhoven said.”

Resident-Exit Only Gate at Shoal Creek at Hwy 41 & Hugh Daniel Drive
Residents quoted in the article had mixed feelings about the expense of the project. As a result of the studies and data, the light was approved. Shoal Creek residents are pleased to see the cooperation between Shelby County and the city of Hoover. After an increase in traffic accidents involving Shoal Creek residents and non-residents, our community is thankful for the added safety this traffic signal will provide to the area. Pictured right, the Shoal Creek Homeowners Association added signs and a security camera to the exit-only gate which is accessed by only Shoal Creek residents in order to prevent drivers from dangerously and illegally entering the property when these gates were opening or closing.
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