A Few Simple Steps to Get Your Home Ready for Fall
We’re all familiar with spring cleaning. Most homeowners keep a checklist of action items to tick off in preparation for the coldest months of the year. For summer, we get our AC checked, restock the pool equipment, and get the landscaping ready for the hot days ahead. But what about autumn? How do we prepare our homes for the coming fall?
We all have a method to the madness that is keeping up with the house. That’s why the folks here at Shoal Creek aim to provide residents and other readers some inside housekeeping information. So today, we will cover some of the simplest steps you can take to get your home prepared for fall.
Back To School
Preparing your home for fall isn’t only about repair and maintenance. You should also prepare for the change in routines. Let’s face it, you’re going to be spending a little less time on Shoal Creek’s gorgeous golf course and a little more time shuttling and feeding kids while continuing to keep up with your home and career. Going in with a clear plan will help everyone enjoy this festive season.
Going To The Mat With The Mud Room
We know about winterizing our landscaping and checking on the leaf blower. But when preparing your home for fall, it’s important to consider the little things, too.
With fall comes a trample of kids and parents—back and forth, out and back in again. Setting some protocols can significantly improve your chances of keeping a clean home through autumn. We suggest that you start with the mudroom, or garage door. You can turn it into the perfect way station by:
- Organizing, cleaning, and decorating the mudroom, and adding a nice cubby for each family member.
- Having everyone use the mud room for entering and exiting the house.
- Having everyone wipe their feet on the mat.
- Keeping all shoes, coats, and bookbags in the cubby (preferably in the mudroom).
- Putting up a tack board to post schedules, notes, etc. (optional)
The idea is to turn the mudroom into a way station, where the whole family passes through. It keeps dirt and water in the mudroom and near the doors, and the house decluttered of coats, hats, gloves, and boots. You can start by simply organizing the mudroom and adding a cubby so that you’re prepared for the return to school, and all that comes with it. Then, slowly decorate the area over time, preparing it for many years to come!
The real struggle? Getting the family to follow protocol!
Setting Boundaries
We all need to set boundaries in our lives, including within our own homes. Along with back to school comes competing schedules and routines. The more family members you have, the more important it is to set boundaries.
Setting up assigned areas for activities such as eating, homework, and playtime is crucial for fall success. Make sure each area is replete with the requisite items. Homework rooms and adult offices need desks, chairs, and quality lighting with little distractions. Eating areas should be confined to the kitchen and dining room to maintain boundaries between family time, eating, and work.
More than optimizing efficiency, setting physical boundaries helps families feel like they’re working together, toward a common goal. Plus, creating these boundaries, in most cases, is a matter of minor adjustments. At most, you may need a little extra muscle for reordering the rooms.
Happy Fall, Y’all
Preparing your home for fall can be an arduous process, but it needn’t be. The families of Shoal Creek have bought or custom designed luxury homes to suit their every need. Additionally, our wealth of luxury amenities provides an outlet, at a moment’s notice, for families to play golf, take the kids fishing, or grab a bite to eat. This is the perfect luxury neighborhood for making your home the pick of the patch in just a few easy steps!
Shoal Creek: Where Luxury Meets Natural Beauty
Shoal Creek, the premier luxury neighborhood in Birmingham, Alabama offers a gated community showcasing immaculate landscapes and custom-designed homes surrounding a world-class golf course. To schedule a visit, call us at (205) 991-4653 or contact us here.